Pop Weaver - Welcome

Welcomt to Weaver Popcorn Co, we are Popcorn and Popcorn Supplies serving Van Buren area, IN. Visit us at 130 E Main St, Van Buren, IN, 46991 0000 viewed so far 3858 times. View Location Weaver Popcorn Co. popcorn and popcorn supplies -- Sunday, June 01, 2008 Weaver Popcorn Co reviews

Location Address:
Weaver Popcorn Co
130 E Main St
Van Buren,
IN 46991 0000

Contact Weaver Popcorn Co

Email: ****************@popweaver.com
Categories: Popcorn and Popcorn Supplies [more businesses in Popcorn and Popcorn Supplies]

Diacetyl, Popweaver, Popcorn, Weaver, Van Buren, Microwave, Concession, Carmel Corn

Weaver Popcorn Co Reviews

Tony Zahn reviewed on Weaver Popcorn Co

business listing rating Definately the worst popcorn I have ever eaten.I plan to take the remainder of the box I paid good money for and give it to the homless center.Ijust hope they will eat it ,I know I sure can't. posted on Sunday, November 14, 2010

L. Wineland view on Weaver Popcorn Co

business listing rating I recently bought a box of your popcorn at a local Wal-Mart. I think your package size has decreased,usually the wife and I split a bag. Now there is not the same amount to share. Why????? posted on Monday, November 29, 2010

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