Andrew T. Crawford

Welcomt to Andrew T Crawford Ironworks, we are Blacksmiths serving Atlanta area, GA. Visit us at 905 Bowen St NW, Atlanta, GA, 30318-7615 viewed so far 3010 times. View Location Andrew T Crawford Ironworks. blacksmiths -- Sunday, May 15, 2011 Andrew T Crawford Ironworks reviews

Location Address:
Andrew T Crawford Ironworks
905 Bowen St NW
GA 30318-7615

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Andrew T Crawford Ironworks Reviews

Mary Julia Newsome reviewed on Andrew T Crawford Ironworks

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Hello Andrew Crawford!
I have just recently viewed the wonderful work at the Botanical Gardens in Athens,Ga., where I am currently living.I am a stained glass artist, so the detail and ability to convey such complexity in metal is astounding. I understand the time and financial aspects of what this takes to produce, so I have to champion excellence!
I would like to try to find your location and perhaps make arrangements to even speak with you concerning an idea I have which needs a professional metal sculpters' insight. It is a good idea; how practical..I don't know. Currently I haven't seen the quality of work from anyone I am aware of to approach until I saw your work.
I am not working at this time, but do maintain my glass studio. I really want to speak with another artist at this time, and I thought this may be a way to at least just pick someone's brains.
Thanks for all of your effort, time, and knowledge invested for the enjoyment of so many people. I know you must be thrilled with these blessings of being gifted with such talent and insight. I truly hope to make some contact with you in the near future.

Julie Newsome
posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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