DrZoom - Welcome

Welcomt to Dr Zoom Productions, we are Motion Picture Producers and Studios serving Los Angeles area, CA. Visit us at 8230 Beverly Blvd # 23, Los Angeles, CA, 90048-4528 viewed so far 2978 times. View Location Dr Zoom Productions. motion picture producers and studios -- Sunday, January 16, 2011 Dr Zoom Productions reviews

Location Address:
Dr Zoom Productions
8230 Beverly Blvd # 23
Los Angeles,
CA 90048-4528

Contact Dr Zoom Productions

Email: ******@ivano.ch
Categories: Motion Picture Producers and Studios [more businesses in Motion Picture Producers and Studios]

Dr Zoom Productions Reviews

Francis reviewed on Dr Zoom Productions

business listing rating He is an award winning Videographer/Director/Editor and more with extensive experience.

He has the ability to tell a story visually incorporating all forms of media and styles. He can cut footage like a surgeon or shoot pictures like a sniper, and create stories that challenge people to think. His greatest communication tools are a keyboard and/or a camera, his editing is 'bleeding edge', and he realize that when it comes to telling a story visually, less is more. He know how to make Final Cut Pro and/or his camera sing and dance, as 'The Boss' does with his guitar, and easily embrace new Production Technologies.
posted on Monday, January 31, 2011

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