
Gagnon Inc

Welcomt to Gagnon Inc, we are Refractories serving St Paul area, MN. Visit us at 2286 Capp Rd, St Paul, MN, 55114-1264 viewed so far 2896 times. View Location Gagnon Inc. refractories -- Sunday, April 26, 2009 Gagnon Inc reviews

Location Address:
Gagnon Inc
2286 Capp Rd
St Paul,
MN 55114-1264

Contact Gagnon Inc

Email: *****@gagnon-inc.com
Categories: Refractories [more businesses in Refractories]

Gagnon Inc Reviews

Neal Weber reviewed on Gagnon Inc

business listing rating I am currently a welding student in new richmond wi, I graduate in may of 2011, and am very interested in working for your company. Josh Cameron {son in law} presently works for your company and told me about you. I am a very hardworking,dependable person who could be a good asset to your company. I have a very good mechanical aptittude and alot of ptior construction skills. If you could please contact me for any and all info needed. posted on Tuesday, March 01, 2011

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