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Welcomt to Virtual Television Inc, we are Video Production and Taping Service serving Tampa area, FL. Visit us at 3911 W Platt St, Tampa, FL, 33609-3942 viewed so far 2613 times. View Location Virtual Television Inc. video production and taping service -- Sunday, January 04, 2009 Virtual Television Inc reviews

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Virtual Television Inc
3911 W Platt St
FL 33609-3942

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Virtual Television Inc Reviews

Kristy reviewed on Virtual Television Inc

business listing rating Using either v0.9 or v1.0.2 I can logon as a user, selcet a template, submit a request; login as administrator and see the submitted order.What happens next is that I fill in all the blanks and selcet the target ESX server and VM Group,[all of which have been correctly extracted from the VC], but after clicking on Create Virtual Machine I am sent to the create.php page which responds with Sorry, can not connect to Virtual Center Server .What has happend between the main.php and create.php that has caused the loss of VC connectivity? In php.ini globals are indeed on.Base platform is the SDK kit from VMware TSX DVD.Please help if you can spare the time. posted on Saturday, November 10, 2012

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