Carols etc - America's Largest Craft Pattern Catalog

Welcomt to Carols Etc, we are Mail Order and Catalog Shopping serving Minot area, ND. Visit us at 112 Main St S, Minot, ND, 58701-3914 viewed so far 7451 times. View Location Carols Etc. mail order and catalog shopping -- Sunday, April 26, 2009 Carols Etc reviews

Location Address:
Carols Etc
112 Main St S
ND 58701-3914

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Categories: Mail Order and Catalog Shopping [more businesses in Mail Order and Catalog Shopping]

Carols Etc Reviews

Christine Groatman reviewed on Carols Etc

business listing rating why is there no online site to order from? All these links are totally annoying. All I want to do is review the catalog and place a 'Carols Etc' order. What kind of web site is this that doesn't allow you to get to the proper destination? I have tried for over a year. If Carol's is the largest craft pattern catalog, I can't imagine how. You can't find it!!!!!!! posted on Tuesday, December 28, 2010

June view on Carols Etc

business listing rating o do agree-- why have a site that people cannot view??? just wondering if she does sell patterns or just someone who has more time on hands then she knows what to do with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! posted on Thursday, February 03, 2011

Marisol Rosa says Carols Etc

business listing rating Please send me your catalog Carol etc. Marisol Rosa HC #3 BOX 11842 YABUCOA, PR 00767. THANK YOU posted on Sunday, August 06, 2017

Laurie L blogged on Carols Etc

business listing rating Been purchasing from the catalog for years. Excellent selection great prices and fast shipping. Perhaps the person, who wasted her time typing the above rude comment, should get the catalog or get off the internet until she knows what Carols is about. Her patterns are very good for year round craft booths or seasonal shows. Love the selection. posted on Saturday, September 01, 2018

Wanda Hunt talks about Carols Etc

business listing rating I'm looking for patterns for my mother posted on Monday, January 21, 2019

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