Pacific Gas and Electric Company

Welcomt to P G and E New Construction Ofc, we are Utilities serving Redding area, CA. Visit us at 3600 Meadow View Dr, Redding, CA, 96002-9701 viewed so far 3934 times. View Location P G and E New Construction Ofc. utilities -- Thursday, November 10, 2011 P G and E New Construction Ofc reviews

Location Address:
P G and E New Construction Ofc
3600 Meadow View Dr
CA 96002-9701

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P G and E New Construction Ofc Reviews

James E Gernert reviewed on P G and E New Construction Ofc

business listing rating My security code is V5751700.

I am inquiring about the procedure and expense to inspect the service at 2000 N Refugio Road in Santa Ynez, CA

We are consedering relocating the service. Mr Dan Prekker of Daniel's Electric, Inc contacted your offices earlier today about this matter.

posted on Wednesday, December 01, 2010

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