Robert W. Yarra, A Professional Law Corporation

Welcomt to Robert W Yarra Law Offices, we are Attorneys serving Fresno area, CA. Visit us at 1250 Fulton Mall # 202, Fresno, CA, 93721-1916 viewed so far 4181 times. View Location Robert W Yarra Law Offices. attorneys -- Thursday, January 01, 2009 Robert W Yarra Law Offices reviews

Location Address:
Robert W Yarra Law Offices
1250 Fulton Mall # 202
CA 93721-1916

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Robert W Yarra Law Offices Reviews

Bill Mortimer reviewed on Robert W Yarra Law Offices

business listing rating If you want to LOSE your case, or WASTE LOTS OF MONEY, then I highly recommend hiring Ty Kharazi as your attorney.

He was my ex-wife's lawyer, and my attorney wiped the floor of the courtroom with him. My ex-wife has told me several times, 'Ty is a lousy attorney'.

He was NEVER prepared for meetings or court. He NEVER was able to negotiate any settlement. He offered me and my attorney an offer that my ex-wife HAD NEVER EVEN HEARD OF OR APPROVED and later rejected when we tried to accept it.

All he did was cause more and more DELAYS and run up more and more legal FEES, without doing any real work. My divorce took a year and a half when it should have taken six months! Ultimately my ex and I had to figure out our own settlement so we could stop Ty from CONTINUALLY LEACHING MONEY without doing any work.

As part of the settlement which I and my ex had to work out on our own, I paid part of her legal fees to Ty. I am making the last payment to him today. Thank goodness this is the last time I will ever have to deal with him! posted on Monday, October 04, 2010

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